Monday, March 12, 2012


Today we worked on learning about capacity! It was kind of a tough day, considering all of the new lingo that goes along with the concept [quart, pint, gallon, cups - even capacity itself!] So, to help my first graders get at least some grasp of the concept, we made Gallon Guys and Gallon Girls!

As you would assume, the boys made Gallon Guys and the girls made Gallon Girls. I had used this in the past when I worked as a Title One Math Coach for third and fourth grades, and didn't think I would be using in first grade, but when we came upon our measuring unit in our curriculum this year, it was a perfect fit to teach my little ones! It worked really well and was a great visual for how many cups in a pint, pints in a quart, and so on.

We'll see how they do on some assessment worksheets, but with the answers they gave me to verbal questions today, I'm confident they all will do fabulous!


  1. Hi Tami - I just found you and am your newest follower. I love your blog title and I couldn't agree more. God is good and I am so blessed. I teach first in CA. Come visit my blog sometime.
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. Thanks for following, Vicky! Sorry it took so long to respond, I never saw your comment! I usually get emails right to my phone alerting me. I'm so happy to meet someone out on the west coast! I'm heading over to check out your blog now :)

