Monday, March 5, 2012

Into the Unknown...

As you can see, my blog is a bit, well, plain.  I've NEVER blogged before! This is quite the work in progress, and to make matters worse I don't have internet at home (yet!) I've been following blogs, like The Inspired Apple (LOVE her!) and creating fun activities on TpT so I thought it was about time to create a blog of my very own. Here's a little bit about me (in case you're wondering!):  I am a 1st grade teacher and LOVE what I do! I say that teaching is my lifestyle, more than it is my job, or even career. This is my first year full-time, so it's a bit overwhelming but I am loving every second of my life right now. I teach in a Christian school (which I had never really considered in college) but it's better than I could have ever imagined and the people are fantastic. I love having the opportunity to minister to children about Christ!  I am married to my best friend, Dave, and we have a puppy dog named Reagan (the cutest pup ever, if I say so myself!) We live in Northeast Ohio and strangely, we love it here! We have 15 acres and a small house (in progress!) I'm super excited to share my journey with you into my first year with my own classroom and all the fun things I do with my 14 fabulous little learners! 


  1. Welcome Tami! I am a new follower to your cute blog! I hope you love blogging as much as I do. You are off to a great start...I love the pictures you have shared.

    I am obsessed with word study. If you hop on over to my blog, you will find TONS and TONS of word study *freebies*!

    I teach 1st grade too and love it with all of my heart. I know God put me where He needs me! =)

    I am glad I found you today! Come hop over to see me and grab my leprechaun *freebies*! =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Heather,

    Thank you so much! I appreciate you for following! I just checked out your blog, and it is FANTASTIC! I am definitely following you now as well. I read your profile and it was really amazing because you quoted Colossians 3:23 which is our class verse for the school yesr! We are striving to work hard to serve and glorify GOD in everything we do! Just tickles me how He sends people into your life sometimes :) Thanks again for following me. I'm so happy to get to know you through blogging!

