Monday, March 24, 2014


OMG... the NE Ohio Teacher/Blogger Meet Up was AMAZING!!!! I don't even think amazing is the right word for it... there is no perfect word to describe the day! Every. Single. Girl. was so sweet! I will be reeling from the day for weeks, I am sure. [my poor hubby! lol]

The day started with a quick Target run with my sister for some last minute items and a new pair of shoes [of course!] My black flats were leaking the last time it rained/snowed, so I needed some new ones A-SAP. Only $20... couldn't pass them up :)  We then made our way to Legacy Village, where we patiently waited at The Cheesecake Factory. Girl after girl came through the door and the circle of us in the lobby continued to grow - it was so cool! My excitement only grew as the day went on [which didn't seem possible] and I don't think I stopped smiling or talking once! It was if we all knew each other for years, and we became fast ::real life:: friends ---- I am SO grateful!

We had 18 amazing girls come! I never would have dreamed when I thought to organize this that there would be THIS great of a response... I am so overwhelmed with thankfulness, happiness, and just overall awe at the day.

Here's who joined us... go check them out!

Jessica @ The Teacher Talk
{plus several other amazing teachers who love meeting other teachers!}
It was SO FANTASTIC! I still can't believe it really happened, and that it's over already! We definitely have to do it again soon! For those of you reading who live in other parts of the country and have never been to one....
HOST ONE! It's totally worth it! :)

We talked teaching, fashion, food, family, you name it! It was so wonderful, to say the least. The big talk was the TpT Summer Seller Conference in July! We are so blessed that Amanda of One Extra Degree is an NEO girl and will be presenting a session on copyrights at the conference! So cool! Several other girls are already registered and have plane tickets purchased.... I'm hoping to convince the hubby we need a summer vacay to Vegas too! ;)
Of course, I love party planning [I swear if I hadn't become a teacher I would have been a party planner!] so I made sure everyone went home with goodies, and we played a game for some great prizes! Eight girls got to take something home, including some fun classroom goodies courtesy
from Creative Teaching Press!
Have you ever been to a blogger meet up! Comment below and tell me all about it!
I'd love to hear about others :)


  1. It was so much fun! Thank you again so so much for putting it together and inviting me!!!! I had a blast meeting everyone!!!!

  2. This looked so fun, I'd love to have a blogger meet up! I'm from Arizona, and I know so many bloggers via Instagram, blogs, and email. I'd love to meet them in the flesh. What a nice evening! ;)

    God bless,
    XO, Claire
