Saturday, November 15, 2014

Subtraction with Regrouping

Hey there!

I had a SUPER productive Saturday! I cleaned and purged like crazy all day and put out some new decorations (but not Christmas ones yet! I like to wait until after Thanksgiving!) I did several loads of laundry, went grocery shopping, and posted 3 new products to my TpT store.. whew! I am wiped! I wanted to share one of them with you, which also happens to be a FREEBIE! :)

As I was teaching subtraction with regrouping to my 3rd graders last week, I came to these 4 simple words to prompt my struggling little learners. Some of them were really having a hard time figuring out what to do next, so here is what I told them:

First, CIRCLE the bigger number in each place. 
Next, decide if you need to STOP? I teach the rhyme: {Bigger number on top, no need to stop!} If the bigger number is on the bottom {STOP, DROP, and REGROUP!}
Then, TRADE each place (or regroup).
Finally, SUBTRACT.

The words themselves prompt my students and they better remember the steps while having more success deciding to regroup or not. I made this chart as a reminder for them. You can grab it FREE RIGHT HERE!

How do you teach your students to subtract with regrouping? If you have many strugglers, maybe this will help!

Have a blessed remainder of your weekend :)

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