Monday, February 2, 2015


It's already FEBRUARY!? WHAAATT?!!

Oh my goodness... time really does go by faster the older we get.
Geez...I sound like every adult I've ever known!

Oh welll.... at least we'll have some fun linking up with Currently and FARLEY!
This is my first time linking up and I am hoping to stick with it! MAKE ME!
Thanks, friends :)

I name myself Miss Organized, cause I like to think I am... ha! I'm sure there are plenty of others my Hubby would give me.... let's not ask him....

Happy February!


  1. I would totally be Miss Organized too! I feel you with needing to work's hard to get motivated with the snow telling me to stay inside!! :oP
    Enjoy your snow day!!
    Munchkins Inc.

  2. Wow! Your Currently certainly rings true! I'm enjoying a snow day too here in Massachusetts. I'm looking forward to my husband to return home too, except that he'll head out to shovel shortly after returning home. I've offered to help shovel, but I'll likely stay put inside with our sweet girl.

    I too need to work out--but I need the snow to clear and the temps to rise!


  3. Hi Tami! I absolutely love love LOVE your blog name! I attribute to my hardships in my classroom to God testing me - how much do I TRUST Him. I know He's with me and He has called me to do what I do. Ugh! I need to work out too. It's a matter of finding time with coaching cheerleading and going back to school and keeping up in the classroom! :( I'm trying!

    1. Hi Jenn!
      God is definitely with us every step of the way. He loves the littlest of those so much and I am so blessed and honored to be entrusted with them daily! We are truly called to serve Him as teachers and He will never fail us! It is so amazing!
      I have a dream to be a cheer coach someday; to be a strong, positive female influence in the lives of teenage girls. I am sure it is hard, but hang in there! You are a role model to those girls and it is another way you can give God the glory! :) You're doing great! <3

      Thanks for stopping by!! :)
      Have a blessed one!

  4. Snow day here as well. December was so mild I had the airconditioning on on Christmas day - and now 3 snow days in only 1 week. The weather is weird, but I'm glad winter finally decided to show up. I need to workout today too. Guess I'd better go shovel. Nice meeting you!
